John first started working full-time at Christ House in 2007 when he joined our staff as the Clinical Support Manager. His job grew from ordering supplies and scheduling patient transportation to managing the intake process for new patients. Before coming to Christ House, John began his work in the medical field on the shores of the East Sea in South Korea. He went to Korea in 1980 as a Peace Corps volunteer, working to control tuberculosis among the coal miners in the nearby mountains and the fishermen on the shore.
Upon returning to the US, John began as a volunteer and later worked as a medical assistant for Healthcare for the Homeless, traveling all over the District working in clinics that served people experiencing homelessness and eventually managing all the homelessness services provided by the organization.
When thinking of his career, John shares that he always knew he wanted to be somewhere where he could help people in great need. Here at Christ House, John coordinates patient intake to connect people in need with our services. He coordinates referrals from family members or friends, hospitals, and shelters across the city.
As Christ House’s first virtual 5k approaches, Compassion in Action, John has been excited to celebrate two of his favorite things: Christ House and running. John has been running since he was a kid. Though he says his running habit ebbs and flows, whenever he does run he loves how energized it makes him feel, and the health benefits it provides. It also helps that John has a running buddy – his rescue dog Penny!
When first hearing of the virtual 5k, John says, “Signing up for Compassion in Action made me feel motivated – and when you can race while helping people in need it’s just all the more rewarding.”
Click here to share, donate, or register for Compassion in Action: Christ House’s first ever virtual 5k.
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