In 2020, overdose deaths in the US increased by nearly 30% since 2019 according to the National Center for Health Statistics (Washington Post). Overdose awareness is an issue close to the heart for the community at Christ House. Many of our patients have histories of substance use disorders, which can put them at a greater […] More…
What's Happening at Christ House
Serving Lunch with Love
Each day, the kitchen staff members at Christ House prepare three delicious and nutritious meals for our patients. The greatest of these, in food quantity and popularity, is lunch! Our kitchen staff serves an average of 35-40 individuals at lunchtime, which includes patients, Kairos Members, and staff. Meal preparation takes approximately one hour, and often varies depending on the complexity of the dish itself. Meals at Christ House typically consist of […] More…
Compassion in Action 5k Participants: Meet John
John first started working full-time at Christ House in 2007 when he joined our staff as the Clinical Support Manager. His job grew from ordering supplies and scheduling patient transportation to managing the intake process for new patients. Before coming to Christ House, John began his work in the medical field on the shores of […] More…
Patient Outreach: Making patients feel safe and heard
There are a number of ways a patient can become connected with Christ House. Some patients are referred from shelters or local hospitals, some have family or friends who call asking about available beds, and others come to us through patient outreach. “Outreach for us is trying to connect with homeless persons wherever they are, […] More…
Building Blocks of Trust: A Year Long Volunteer Reflection
If you come to Christ House this year, you will be sure to see me running through the 2nd floor hallway, donning a face shield and bright green scrubs, preoccupied with grabbing a patient for their vital signs or medications. As a Respite Care Assistant, my duties include patrolling the floor, working with patients on […] More…
A Collection of Christ House Poetry
In honor of National Poetry Month, we would like to share some poetry written by Christ House patients over the years. Christ House offers comprehensive and compassionate health care to men experiencing homelessness in Washington, DC. An important aspect of our patient care is holistic support. Patients are offered medical care, case management services, three […] More…
Caring Deeply: A Volunteer Reflection
Since coming to Christ House, my perspective on the homelessness crisis has shifted. I was raised to not talk to or even associate myself with homeless people. I was taught that I should help, but to keep my distance. As I grew up, I assumed that people who were homeless were using drugs or alcohol […] More…
Christ House’s Resources on Racial Equity
While we are glad to have the opportunity to share resources surrounding the history, oppression, resilience, and achievements of Black individuals throughout Black History Month, we recognize that the path to equity and inclusion is one that requires work year-round. It is with this thought in mind that we would like to share a few […] More…
Black History Month: A Kairos Member Reflection
Stephen has been a member of our Kairos permanent housing program for over a year. This February, we sat down to hear his thoughts on Black History Month. Do you do anything to celebrate Black History Month? In the past I have – today I don’t. The month is not sufficient enough for Black history […] More…
COVID-19 Vaccine Access
While the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines across the country has begun, Christ House leadership has been diligently preparing and coordinating access to vaccines for patients, Kairos permanent housing members, and staff. Christ House’s Quality Improvement Committee decided to focus efforts on access to vaccines in January and has made great strides. As of February, many […] More…